Order Email Notifications

We will send two email notifications to the email address used when placing your order. These notifications will inform you when important events occur in the processing of your order.

The first email you will receive is the order confirmation. This email confirms that we have received your order successfully and have begun processing your order.

A second email will be sent when your order has left our warehouse. This email will also include a delivery confirmation number for orders shipping via U.S. Postal Service or a tracking number for orders shipping via Fedex.

Please Note

If you do not receive these order email notifications it is possible the emails have been blocked by your email provider. In an effort to minimize unwanted email, some email provider’s block the delivery of legitimate email like this. We see this problem occur most often with AOL, Juno, Comcast, & Road Runner email accounts.

Please contact your email provider for tips on how you can prevent the blocking of legitimate email from EdgeTechCorp.com. Adding orders@edgetechcorp.com to your contacts or approved sender list will also help ensure delivery of these important order notifications.

If you have not received your order notification email’s and would like to check the status of your order please log in to your account or contact us.

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